Friday, June 25, 2010

How fast can an old -er woman pedal...

How big is the dog chasing her? Har har har! I just got back from a solo bike ride - huf, puf - been a long time but it felt (mostly) good. I had a rough day, what can I say. I really did. I have no explanation based on my situation or surroundings. And so I think, I just think, I might finally be feeling the effects of my surgical hysterectomy in my crazy hormones.

Dear God,
Is this menopause? What were you thinking? How are we supposed to survive if we no longer recognize our own personalities or dispositions? OK, I get it...something good will come out of this season in my life. I'll somehow be stronger and wiser on the other side. But today, God, really stunk!
Karen L.

I do thank God for amazing friends, who, here at the end of my week will welcome me - in any disposition - to their friendly Friday Night gathering where everything is all right. :-)

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